Even though vape batteries explosion occurs 1 in 10 million, knowledge on battery safety is vital. Over the years, there have been several cases reported of an exploded battery. Yet, such cases are 100% avoidable.
It might seem obvious to have insight concerning vape battery safety but, most new vapers cannot handle the vape battery as expected. Besides, the best protection from battery explosion is finding out all that needs to be known.
It would help if you found out the basics of vape battery safety. Remember, they are not like your remote control batteries. So, you want to learn battery safety as a vaper? This article will provide all the information you seek. Read on to find out.
The Vape Battery

For a successful vaping experience, you must have a functional vape battery. It is the source of power for the vape device. The vape battery is in three different kinds, disposable, integrated and removable batteries.
As the name suggests, disposables are thrown after using. This type of battery is non-rechargeable with limited time of service. Integrated batteries are inbuilt in the vape device. And non-replaceable with several rounds of charge that is thrown after it’s cleared.
On the other hand, the removable battery that is rechargeable and is found in advanced vaping machines. When the vape battery depletes, it is replaceable.
If you want to enjoy vaping, pick a device with a battery you prefer to and avoid interruptions like charge completion. With countless options in the market, choosing the correct battery can be tricky. But, the essential aspect in choosing is the battery life and recharge time for a better vaping experience.
How Long Do Vape Batteries Last?
Are you experiencing low efficiency as you vape? Maybe your batteries are running low. Do you keep charging your batteries and still lose charge fast? You might need to replace them. It’s possible that they are damaged.
Well, depending on usage, the vape batteries last differently. For instance, some rechargeable batteries last up to six months. The large rechargeable vape battery capacity tends to last eight hours between charges.
Moreover, most vape batteries lose charge after 200 to 500 complete cycles of vaping. It means after this number; your battery is empty. However, the number of charges depends on the type of battery in use. And, most vapes prefer the 18650 battery with a range of 250 to 500 cycles. Always choose what works for you for the vape experience you want.

How Often Should I Replace My Vape Battery
Vape battery replacement has no set time. It all depends on your experience. As mentioned, several things’ll make you change the batteries. For instance, if you can’t enjoy vaping due to a constant empty battery, it’s time to replace it.
While some vape batteries last longer, let’s say 500 cycles, they tend to be efficient for the first 250 cycles. The rest of the cycles will have a lower voltage. If you love the big vape clouds, you’ll want to change your batteries before they hit 500 cycles.
Have you come across lithium-ion batteries? These batteries lose capacity faster, especially when you like taking lots of puffs. Therefore, you’ll have to replace them frequently.
So, how often should you replace your batteries? Once or twice a year would be best, even if they’re no signs of damage. Well, try and reuse batteries too. It helps conserve the environment.
Battery Safety Tips to Keep You Protected
Battery safety is vital. You wouldn’t want to risk being among the few that face explosion incidences. Here are some tips to keep your battery safe.
Mind the Quality of the Charger and Charging Cable
You might want to pick any chargers to use, but the charger and cable might not be safe for your battery. Find a charger that is dedicated to your battery to keep it secure. The wrong charging cable might take longer to charge, discharge energy and fail to charge it or worse, damage your battery output.
Watch Out for Counterfeits
Like every other products on sale, counterfeits are a common occurrence. When buying your batteries check whether they are of good quality. Counterfeit batteries might be faulty and a reason for the explosion. Watch out for counterfeits to keep yourself protected.
Don’t Leave Your Batteries Charging Unattended.
One of the main reasons why batteries explode is overheating. While some chargers have security features to stop heat flow when the batteries are full, some don’t. So, if you leave batteries charging longer, especially overnight, they might overheat. And, sometimes, the features are not effective. It’s safe to charge your batteries when alert to avoid overheating and exploding.

Don’t drain Your Batteries
As much as vaping is your go-to activity every time, do not overuse it until the batteries over the drain. Overcharging is equally as damaging as over-draining. You’ll ruin and weaken your batteries.
Avoid Extreme Temperatures
When it’s too cold or too hot, your batteries risk damage. The correct temperature for the safety of your batteries is 50 to 115 degrees Fahrenheit. Avoid placing your device in areas of fluctuating temperatures. Such temperatures are likely to cause explosions.
Avoid Contact between Coils and Top cap
Coils and top caps are sensitive parts of your batteries. And, when metal objects come in contact with these areas, the batteries might vent, causing an explosion. It’s wise to keep the coils, and top cap protected, and get a plastic container to store your batteries. Throwing them directly into your bags is unsafe.
Never Over-discharge Your Batteries
Have you checked the required battery levels on your device? Most vape mods have the levels indicated. The more you drain your battery, the higher the chances of losing its capacity—for instance, lithium-ion batteries damaged when you over-discharge them. Always charge your batteries before they completely drain to prolong their life span.
The Bottom-line
When using any electronic device, there are risks associated with it. And vape batteries are no exception. Improper use, poor quality products, and counterfeits are significant causes of a battery explosion. But now you have the knowledge you need for battery safety. Practice these tips for safety!